Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The random post

Apparently, I have a mid-term and a research paper due after tomorrow but hey I'm online and I keep writing new posts!

I am writing about women in pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary Iran, how their life changed and their freedom n etc...
I learned very imp things researching for my paper
1- Some time ago, the Shah of Iran banned the veil ( yes! Iranian women could not cover their hair.)Currently, its the oppositite, they have to cover their hair and in some places, the chadur is mandatory or encouraged. ( our "beloved"" president wanted us to become another Iran a few years ago, Sudanese women should dress like Iranian women. We were asked to wear he chadur but we said NO. A big fat NO!. Its qjuite enough that in the 1990's, the veil was mandatory in some places ( Hello there, I'm sudanese, We have various religions in the Sudan but our govt. is intending to islamize the whole country.)
what happened to the teachings of the Quran where you have to respect, tolerate and accept other religions? I dont know. Are they using a different version of the holy Quran? very very very likely! infact, its an enormous possiblity....mmm I should look that up!

for now, I have to go write my research paper but before I do, lots n lots of respect for Iranian women.
God Bless Iranians and Iran
God Bless Darfur and the rest of the Sudan
God Bless the wholeeeee world.

Wholeheartedly- Sudaniya.

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