Most of you don't know me in person, but anyways, I love Jeans...a lot. I wear jeans all the time, everywhere, even in Sudan. So when Lubna and a bunch of other women were arrested for wearing pants, I was shocked.
This is how I see it, Lubna is a journalist (so she is targeted by the government) and not only that, she writes a controversial column and being the brave woman she is, she is not afraid to write about anything an anyone. So the whole thing was probably targeted at her.
she was arrested with other women at a cafe in Khartoum for "indecent dress" (sounds vague?). This doesn't really happen in Sudan, you just don't get arrested for wearing pants!
A Sudanese official said she was actually arrested for smoking shisha. Again, you don't get arrested for smoking shisha.
So why was Lubna arrested?
Someone is not telling us the truth.
Sorry to break it down to you
but in Sudan girls (Sudanese that is) get arrested for smoking sheesha in a public place, and it happens all the time.
I admire her for her courage and I feel blessed to be living in the U.S.
wow...this shows how blessed we are in America.
Thanks for telling me about that. I have never seen it or heard about it myself. Do they target specific cafes?
Amy and Constant Gina,
I feel blessed in Sudan too, in different ways:)
Yeah they do target most of the cafes, except for a few cafes (e.g Gad in airport road, al saha also) these cafes basically have the tourism police which protects them from the general purposed one for a price. :)
I felt shocked as well!! I know some Sudanese friends and i saw a pictures of them in a wedding in Khartoum and they were wearing night dresses and they never were arrested ...Lubna's whole attitude and courage is very inspiring ....since when interfering in people personal lives is applying Islamic law ?unfortunately they make the Islamic law sort of Police state
I'm glad to visit your blog and thanks to the blessed chance which brought me here :)
Hey Kizzie, I'd love to get in touch with you, it's Esra'a from
Would be great if you can send me an e-mail at director[at]
Thanks and hope to speak with you soon!
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